The Bird Photography Project

Anna's a birder but not a photographer, and Michael's a photographer but not a birder. This is our combined project to identify and photograph as many British birds as we can.

Monday, July 17, 2006

In the beginning...

Inspired by the purchase of Michael's new camera (a Panasonic FZ30), we've decided to start a new project.

The aim is to identify and photograph as many British birds as we can. We're defining "British" as "happens to be in the UK", whether it's normally found here or not. Obviously captive birds don't count.

We're only counting birds that have both been identified and photographed. Eventually we'll build up a gallery of the birds that we've "ticked". If we happen to get a better photograph of a species we've already listed, it will replace the old one.

The project started on Saturday 15th July 2006 with our first visit to RSPB Minsmere.


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